Tag Archives | Public Religion Research Institute

Series of polls show majority support for Marriage Equality nationally

A series of national polls in recent months show a surge in support for Marriage Equality Nationally:

A first: Majority of Americans now supports same-sex marriage, Gallup finds
Los Angeles Times:

Thanks to a radical shift in thinking among independents and Democrats during the past year, for the first time in Gallup Poll tracking a clear majority of Americans now approves of gay marriage.

A new Gallup Poll released this morning finds that this month 53% of Americans say same-sex marriage should be recognized in law as equally valid with traditional male-female marriages.

The spurt in support of 9% in the past 12 months was the largest registered since Gallup first tracked the topic in 1996. Back then, only 27% supported same-sex marriage and two-thirds opposed.

Support for same-sex marriages had hovered in the low 40’s since about 2004, until the latest figures, showing 59% of independents and 69% of Democrats now support the idea, while 28% of Republicans do. The GOP figure was unchanged from 2010.

Yet another poll says majority of Americans support gay marriage
The Colorado Indepent:

A poll released by the Public Religion Research Institute on Thursday confirmed what several other national pollsters have found: A majority of Americans now support marriage rights for same-sex couples. The poll found that 51 percent of Americans supported legalizing gay marriage compared to 43 who opposed legalization.

Slim majority back gay marriage, Post-ABC poll says
Washington Post:

Five years ago, at 36 percent, support for gay marriage barely topped a third of all Americans. Now, 53 percent say gay marriage should be legal, marking the first time in Post-ABC polling that a majority has said so.

Poll: Majority supports gay marriage

Of those surveyed for a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll [.pdf], 51 percent said they think marriages between lesbian and gay couples should be recognized as legal and come with the same rights as heterosexual unions, while 47 percent said the marriages should not be recognized.

The last time CNN asked the question, in April 2009, approval for gay marriage was at 44 percent and disapproval was at 54 percent.

Via: Towleroad